Friday, November 14, 2008

Hey people!

Mich and his Buc!!!
Lee, DIllion, Tayolr, Winter
Brendon, Star, Owen, Caleb
& Im not sure who the little on with Elmo on is LOL
Laners...AKA Laney
The pictures of hte kids were from back on the Fourth of July. All the kids are just some of the kids in the family LOL

Not too much has been going on. Working and back to taking Abby to Missy's while Im at work, she is having a good time, I think she missed all the kids.
Tomorrow is our anniversary, we have been together ro 7 years!!! WHoowhoot Go us! LOL I have to work until 4:30 but Miranda is taking the kids for us for the night !! YAY!! LOL
Mich is going to get the snow tires put on our trucks tomorrow and then it is supossed to snow starting Sunday for about 4 days, so hopefully Sunday I can get out and learn how to drive in the dang stuff ;o)
I have laney here tonight, she is one of Missys kids, she is so freaking cute, she is 2 years old. Were giving the babysitter a break and taking her little one LOL Her and Abby are playing with Abbys My Little Ponies
Mich is pon his way home as i write this, FINALLY!! ANd he gets to stay in town this next week which is AWESOME considering it is supossed to snow all week....and I miss him like crazy!!!!

Sunday, November 09, 2008


Abby is sick now ;(
She was running a little fever last night, she seems alot better this morning though and is ready to go play in the SNOW, yep it snowed again!! And guess what??? I drove in it LOL I had to bring Lee his SWIMMING stuff to school. First time I ever brought someone swim trunks in the snow LOL But it isnt nearly as bad as lst time, we just got maybe an inch or so over night. I can see the grass still poking out of the snow. Mich is on his way back to Buffalo for the week ;( he said he was running into some heavy areas but still not as bad as last time, he is on the road driving and not in a ditch...waiting... ;)
They say its gonna snow all day and night so tomorrow will be a differant story im sure. I had to call in today to stay home with Abby and Im off tomorrow I dont have to work until Wed night. So hoepfully it will be all cleared up before then, and hopefully we will have our trucks ready before the next snow ;)
Abby is playing with her Playdoh now so I guess I will get some cleaning done.
It wont let me post pix today for some reason so i will try later
I will gwt some new snow pics later today.

Wednesday, November 05, 2008

Three more days....

Untill my moms heads back to Sunny FL...although today after talking to my brother it is actually warmer HERE than THERE! It got up to 71 today here and in FL the high was 65 LOL go figure! But I am hearing it will possible snow this weekend again.......I am REALLY hoping that it hold off utill Sunday at least so that I can drive to Pittsburg without snow when I take my mom to the airport. SO since she only has a few days left, we went sight seeing, if you could call it that, we went to Lake Erie and drove around town, we tried to hunt down some Amish settlements but I couldnt find them lol
Mich is in Buffalo, after driving half way down to Virginia Monday they call him and tell him to come back and go to least it will be a shorter ride home tomorrow...(hopefully tomorrow) Lee is still sick although he feels much better now.
I think hell go back to school tomorrow.
I miss my Michypoo.....;o(
ANYWAY some pics of the Lake....

Sunday, November 02, 2008


Lee is sick. Had to pick him up from school Friday, he missed his halloween party. He was feeling better that night so we let him go do the trick or treat thing. TOday he has been in bed all day. I am trying to keep Abby away from him so she doesnt get sick.
Mich leaves for Virginia for work in the morning ;o( He will be gone until at least Thursday.
SO yeah this week got started all kinds of wrong, but hey that's life right?

Oh and one more thing, No pix of trick or treating cuz I forgot my camera and the kids were crashed when we got home, so maybe one day ill dress they back up and take pix LOL ;o)

SInce I have no Halloween bout some silly ones....they are old ones but owell......