Wednesday, November 05, 2008

Three more days....

Untill my moms heads back to Sunny FL...although today after talking to my brother it is actually warmer HERE than THERE! It got up to 71 today here and in FL the high was 65 LOL go figure! But I am hearing it will possible snow this weekend again.......I am REALLY hoping that it hold off utill Sunday at least so that I can drive to Pittsburg without snow when I take my mom to the airport. SO since she only has a few days left, we went sight seeing, if you could call it that, we went to Lake Erie and drove around town, we tried to hunt down some Amish settlements but I couldnt find them lol
Mich is in Buffalo, after driving half way down to Virginia Monday they call him and tell him to come back and go to least it will be a shorter ride home tomorrow...(hopefully tomorrow) Lee is still sick although he feels much better now.
I think hell go back to school tomorrow.
I miss my Michypoo.....;o(
ANYWAY some pics of the Lake....

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